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Pre School


Mar Athanasius International School : well-rounded preschool
Mar Athanasius International School has aligned the curriculum research for each of our learning areas with learning themes such as cognitive development, mechanics and current affairs. These offerings by MAIS are designed to develop a well-rounded preschool education. The core learning areas are reinforced with Montessori in a prepared environment, fun activities and an outcome based learning structure.
A primary goal at the heart of the Mar Athanasius International School mission is the enhancement of child learning opportunities and outcomes.

1) Language arts as a core area of exploration and study
At Mar Athanasius International School inclusion of language arts as a core area of exploration and study in early childhood is its’ ability to develop and support cognitive thinking, reasoning, and problem-solving skills in young children. These are each essential cognitive skills that are called into play far beyond the preschool curriculum and have applicable relevance throughout the lifespan. These lessons should be offered regularly in a developmentally appropriate manner and environment that supports children at all levels of understanding.

  •  Knowledge Of The Alphabet
  •  Phonological Awareness
  •  Knowledge Of Print And Its Uses
  • Comprehension Of Books And Other Texts
  • Emergent Writing Skills
  • Listens To And Understands Increasingly Complex Language
  • Uses Spoken Language To Express Thoughts And Needs
  • Uses Appropriate Conversational And Other Communication Skills

2) Physical Development is an important skill that preschool children should develop

MAIS shares the prevailing worldwide view understanding that physical development is an important skill that preschool children should develop. The MAIS reveals its commitment to this prevailing view by including physical development as one of the seven (7) Cor.e Content Learning Areas that constitutes the hallmark of its curricula
MAIS has evaluate what children are expected to learn in pre-kindergarten and designed a learning curve that aligns multiple skill sets for standard expectations for pre-school years. Therefore, MAIS has a realistic view on the appropriate approach to teaching, and promoting early physical development that will prepare children for their fitness levels in the future.
3) Numeracy and Problem solving
Numeracy is the ability to reason with numbers, while problem solving is the
key element to mathematics.
Given the ability to explore, utilize imagination, along with reasoning children
will build the language and social skills needed to build strong numeracy
and math aptitude.

Communication –talking and listening to them suggest their thoughts on finding words, symbols or numbers to solve problems. At the same time it promotes their vocabulary and helps develop literacy and early reading skills.
Reasoning-allows children to ask question, and think of answers. By asking simple questions such as “why” an early learner starts to develop the skill of thinking for themselves.
Connections –for :math and numeracy which involves day-to-day activities such as pouring juice at snack time allows child to use estimation, measurement, and spatial sense.
“Think of your home as a learning place. The kitchen is great for teaching math and science through cooking.” (Armstrong, 2010).

4) Social & Emotional Skills
The Mar Athanasius International Preschool Curriculum has Thematic Units each containing and devoted to Social Emotion lessons that incorporate activities and experiences that teach the core skill sets
The student recognizes the importance of self-respect, confidence and interpersonal skills. The student respects others and recognizes authority figures such as adults, teachers and parents.
The curriculum achieves an outcome that ensures the student’s safety and social wellbeing.

5) Social Science
MAIS’s approach to a comprehensive and cohesive curriculum is developed for early learners, to provide core concentration on how, what, when and why to implement social science techniques. Students learn to promote concepts of internationalism and become aware of social cohesion, the importance of friendship and the health benefits of active living

Being able to work as a team or individually;
Learning self-confidence;
Conducting him or herself in an appropriate and self- managed manner;
Beginning to have a sense of value as citizens of their world;

“…promotes social learning as she plays with other kids, creating roles based on what she sees in the social world around her, adjusting her own play behavior to the needs and demands of her peers.”
The student will differentiate between farm and wild animals. The student will have an understanding of conservation efforts regarding animals and plants. There will be an understanding of interdependency between animals, animals and plants, plants and insects, and humans. Basic pet care and hygiene will be explored. The student will have knowledge of how plants survive and distinguish between outdoor plants, indoor plants and seasonal plants

6) Visual & Creative Arts
Art for early learners provides development of muscles, eye-hand coordination, and movement for dexterity. With the opportunity for practice their confidence is increased, and the activity causes a positive effect on writing skill in the classroomArt is important form of expression for young minds to develop, and research shows that art is brain food that engages cognitive, social emotional, self-esteem, and multi-sensory activity. Children have varied opportunities to gain an appreciation of art, music, drama, and dance in ways that reflect cultural diversity. Explores Drawing, Painting, and Modeling with Different Materials and Media. Children are provided varied opportunities to develop and widen their repertoire of skills that support artistic expression (e.g., cutting, gluing, and caring for tools
. Creative arts experience in preschool contributes to children’s artistic and creative development along with a wide range of skills in other areas, including perceptual, perceptual, cognitive, language, and social skills.

The core learning areas are reinforced with
Montessori method in a prepared environment,
fun activities
an outcome based learning structure.


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News & Announcements
Principal's Message
Mrs. Anitha George is a seasoned educator with over 21 years of experience in the field of education. She started her career as a Chemistry teacher, served as an ICSE examiner for 10 years, and as a team leader for 4 years...